“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” - Matthew 10:8

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The Supernatural Lifestyle School is a full-time school that is held over 9 days. It is designed for any person to attend, from business people, housewives, pastors, students, year of your life teams; God’s heart is for the ministry of all believers.

"God came through... I feel equipped to go back into the world and live a supernatural life." -Emma



01. Lectures

During school, students attend 3 lectures a day on different subjects (see Courses for more info), these lectures not only are practical in nature but they also minister to the individual. We don’t want the student to just receive information, but we want them to be ministered to.

02. Practical Ministry

During school, students will get plenty of opportunities to do practical ministry, from prophesying over each other in class, to going to the hospitals, to hitting the streets on Treasure Hunts and ministering at church youth groups. Each student will walk away from the school confident in how to flow in the supernatural.

03. Soaking

Soaking and Receiving from the Lord is one of our values at SLS. Jesus spent numerous occasions retreating from the crowds and the disciples to receive from the Father. At the school, we also encourage and allocate time to soak and receive from the Lord

04. Prophetic Ministry

During school, students will not only prophesy over each other, but they will also receive personal prophecy. To top it off they will learn to understand their prophetic identity (how God sees them) and how to walk in it.

05. Impartation

When Paul laid hands on Timothy, he imparted a spiritual gift. We believe that a major aspect of growing in the Lord is receiving impartation from those who minister and as such have numerous times of impartation.

06. Ministry Trip

This is the highlight of the school for most people. During the school, the entire school will go on a mission on the streets to give away everything they have learned. The ministry teams are teams of between 5-10 people.


01. Culture of Honor

A Supernatural Culture is built upon the principle of a Culture of Honour. Learning to see and treat people the way God sees them allows us to step into a realm of the Supernatural that would not flow without it.

02. Healing

It is God’s will to heal, but do we truly believe it? Do we know how to pray for the sick? This course will increase your faith and activate you in the ministry of Healing the Sick

03. Hearing God's Voice

Central to every believers life and equally central to walking in the supernatural is the ability to Hear His Voice. This course will help you to hear Him and will set the platform for you to practice releasing prophetic words over people.

04. Identity

We are supernatural because of who we are in Christ, not because of something we have to try and do or achieve. This course will help you understand your Identity and how to walk as a Son/Daughter instead of a slave mentality in His Kingdom.

05. Inner Healing and Deliverance

"It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free" (Gal 5:1). This course will teach you the keys to walking in Freedom and also give you the confidence in how to see other people find Freedom that comes through Christ.

06. Kingdom Dynamics

This course touches on the difference between authority and gifting and how God has orchestrated these two dynamics in the local church. When we don’t understand it, we can walk in deception leading to hurt and disunity, when we do understand it, we can release a new level of authority and power in the Kingdom.

07. Presence-Centered Lifestyle

God’s Presence is Central to who we are as believers, from Him waslking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening, to the Ark of His Presence being in the center of the camp, to heaven worshipping around His throne for all eternity. He is supposed to be central to everything in our lives. This course will reiterate the need for Him, and the call to making Him central to our lives.

08. Supernatural Evangelism

The Holy Spirit is the greatest evangelist. In this course you will learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit in ministering and reaching the lost. You will learn the keys of healing and prophecy and how to step out of your comfort zone and see God touch peoples lives as believe Him for the impossible.

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I went to a SLS Conference in 2017 where 2 students prayed for me and I received the gift of joy. I then decided that I wanted to go to this supernatural lifestyle school as I also wanted God to use me. I signed up in 2018 and my life has never been the same again. I learned how to hear Gods voice, went out on the streets and hospitals to minister, and pray for people.

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Calling a Supernatural Bride

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